Attendance Management
Absenteeism is a major cause of income and productivity loss for businesses. High rates of absenteeism in the workforce may also greatly affect an organization’s development. Therefore to remain competitive, it is essential that organizations implement an effective absence management program.
As this marked trend appears to increase over the next decade, the importance of sound management in the area grows. Financial losses associated with absenteeism usually do not take into account indirect costs, which include the replacement of absent employees, overtime and training. Furthermore, it has a negative impact on the workplace environment, decreasing productivity and competitiveness. Studies show that these indirect costs are 1.5 to 5 times higher than direct costs, generating significant additional costs for employers. Some companies face a continually high rate of absenteeism causing disruption in their day-to-day activities.
Conscience of this difficult reality, experts at Énergie Ressources Humaines have extensive experience to support you at each stage of absenteeism management. We also employ highly effective strategies and best practices in disability management. We help you develop effective disability management programs to restore the imbalance caused by absences. We will explore potential strategies with you, designed to strengthen and stabilize your workforce to a level suitable to your organization.
As this marked trend appears to increase over the next decade, the importance of sound management in the area grows. Financial losses associated with absenteeism usually do not take into account indirect costs, which include the replacement of absent employees, overtime and training. Furthermore, it has a negative impact on the workplace environment, decreasing productivity and competitiveness. Studies show that these indirect costs are 1.5 to 5 times higher than direct costs, generating significant additional costs for employers. Some companies face a continually high rate of absenteeism causing disruption in their day-to-day activities.
Conscience of this difficult reality, experts at Énergie Ressources Humaines have extensive experience to support you at each stage of absenteeism management. We also employ highly effective strategies and best practices in disability management. We help you develop effective disability management programs to restore the imbalance caused by absences. We will explore potential strategies with you, designed to strengthen and stabilize your workforce to a level suitable to your organization.

Our experts in medico-administrative management will enable you to make large savings with rigorous case management structures in the following areas of activity:- Work accidents and occupational disease (CNESST cases)
- Temporary work assignment program
- Representation at the Occupational Injuries Commission (CLP)
- Salary insurance
- Alcoholism, drug dependence and other addictions
- Accommodation requirements for a disability
- Coaching managers for an early and sustainable return of absent personnel
- Management indicators for optimal monitoring of your occupational health and safety
- Cost-sharing for CNESST cases
- Review of charges to your financial CNESST record, according to the fee structure

- Work accident enquiry and analysis
- Inspection, lockout and compliance
- Procedures and corrective measures to eliminate safety hazards
- Adapted risk prevention program
- Setting up and supporting your joint health and safety committee
- Pregnant worker's reassignment program
- Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
- Ergonomic analysis (job analysis)

This service provides access to a complete medical profile of the selected candidate's health status. Every employer has the right to check the health status of applicants, as well as the right to hire a healthier individual. In addition, the pre-employment medical examination provides an opportunity to assess the health status of candidates in order to provide them with positions adapted to their abilities. Industrial medicine services save time, reduce the costs of absenteeism at work and ensure follow-up with a second medical opinion in certain cases. This determines, amongst others, the prognosis of return to work, the risk of possible relapse and the sharing of pre-existing medical conditions, if any. Services offered include:- Analysis of pre-employment health check-up
- Follow-up of employee medical consultations
- Second medical opinions for challenges to the Medical Evaluation Bureau (BEM), Occupational Injuries Commission (CLP) and others
- Periodic medical visits to your business according to your needs
- Vaccination of employees
- Expert witness for hearing before the Labour Administrative Tribunal (TAT)